Smoke-Water Machine



  • Smoke-water can improve seed germination, promote seedling growth and control the occurrence or spread of plant diseases. In addition, smoked water can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and fungicides, and has the potential to develop into a management model for reducing pesticides.

  • Smoke-water machine obtained Taiwan patent certificate and mainland patent certificate

  • References

    • The use of fungicides leads to environmental pollution caused by the accumulation of residual toxicity and changes the composition of microorganisms in the soil (Muthukumar et al., 2010).

    • In addition, the possibility of fungicide residues in plants in the soil (Vanachter et al., 1983) and fungicide resistance in plants will become the limiting factors for the use of fungicides in crop protection (Brent, 1995).

    • The resistance of target pathogens to chemical substances reduces the efficiency and service life of the fungicide, and then the agent must be further developed at increasingly higher costs (Ma and Michailides, 2005).

    • Smoke-water produced by burning plant material and passing smoke through the water has been shown to promote germination, promote growth, and promote plant health, increasing yield (Light and Van Staden, 2004). It may be used in horticulture and agriculture, especially if farmers do not have the resources to buy expensive pesticides.